Why can some people who haven’t worked out in years just go out and smash a 5km run or a 10km run when those who have been at the gym for 6 months may not be able to?

The reason – The person who has had the lay off may have built the mental strength to do so.

You see, When it comes to fitness – 80%+ of it is based on mental strength.

Have you completed 5km runs and 10km runs before? Then you’ve already beat that mentally.

Covering new ground in fitness is the scariest thing – If you accomplished that ground before, then you’re in a much better position to do it again.

The same rule goes for trying to lift a specific weight. Numbers are scary, big numbers can put you off and prevent you from getting the rep. That’s why I never tell my clients the number achieved until they actually do the reps. I don’t want to mess with their heads.

If someone has achieved a 180kg deadlift before – It’s not that scary of a big deal when they go to do it again after a lay off.

If someone has never deadlifted 180kg but worked right up to the physical ability to do it? It seems like Everest before the pull.

The thing is though – The only way to build that mental strength with training is by taking action and going out there and doing it.

Unless you’ve got skin in the game – You’re not going to mentally grow.

Mindset and motivation tools are brilliant – But action trumps all.

My advice is for you to get out there and begin pushing yourself mentally in these fields of fitness. By having the approach of ‘Screw it – let’s do it’ I’ve seen the most successes in the gym.

The moment you let an exercise or a challenge or a weight fear you. It’s game over – There’s not a point in trying to lift that.

If you visualise 180kg as 100kg – It’ll feel lighter. Trust me.

This game is 80% mental – 20% physical.
